Have you ever laid on your bed at night, and just cried? Cried because you’re ugly.You counted all your flaws from head to toe, to punish and feel worse about yourself. Cried because the comments people blurt out, actually hurt your feelings. Cried because your family is dysfunctional. You don’t want to be a burden, so you bottled it all up

Tuesday 6 December 2011

I Wish Everyone Know About Us :)

*Apa yang tak boleh paksa sekarang adalah CINTA.

Kalau memang kau tak suka dia,tak payah nak bagi harapan cakap sayang and still nak dia.

Come on lah,bagitahu hal sebenar.Babe,aku rasa tak mati kan,kalau kita stay beterus terang?

Apalah sangat.Kesian aku tengok dia,kau layan nak tanknak je dekat dia,tapi perempuan lain FUHHHH!

tak payah cakap,orang pun tahu.Apa jenis lelakilah kau ni,buat malu kaum betul.

Pegilah bagitahu dia yang kau taknak dia.Benda simple kau besar besarkan,kesianlah kat kawan aku tu =.= Weyy,and kalau betul pun kau still dengan dia sekarang atas dasar kesian,jagalah hati dia.Kau tak rasa ke dia banyak teluka?

Kau tu,baru kena hantuk sikit,dah meroyan.

Inikan pulak dia,perempuan,wanita.Lemah bab bab hati ni,kau patut faham,patut tahu.Kalau dah tahu tak pandai layan perempuan jangan miang sangat nak berawekkk :))

I'm sorry if I made you cry, I'm sorry if tears fell from your eyes, for that is not at all what I intended to do...

but, just remember, for every tear that falls from your eye, from mine fall two. :')

When I tell you 'I Love You' it's not out of habit or to make conversation. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that ever happened to me.

He is the only man I have ever loved, he is all I ever wanted, he loves me too, I know. If Im happy, its him.

If Im worried, its him. He is responsible for all the moods i find myself in..I love him so dearly & always will.

How i wish that you're wearing my shoes and understand everything that i need to going through.

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